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How we helped mobile gaming giant King create an engaging privacy policy

Willy Duhen
Data Protection Officer, King
Faced with information overload, jargon, unusable privacy policies, and overall a very poor experience, 98% of users simply give up and don't read privacy policies, compounding the privacy paradox. Moreover, minors represent ⅓ of Internet users, and the GDPR requires policies "in clear and concise language appropriate for minors." But how could we expect children and teens to read a document that puts off adults? How could we create an inclusive and sustainable privacy policy: one that engages and empowers all users, regardless of age?
Based on all the lessons learned from our project with the CNIL, we were convinced that to truly engage teens, we needed to co-create the new version of the privacy policy with them.
We used a panelist to recruit users in the UK, according to criteria based on our state of the art (e.g., over-representation of users from disadvantaged social backgrounds, and a mix of very regular users of video games with casual or non-gamers).
We led a co-creation workshop with users: divided into 3 small groups and assisted by a designer and a simple UX toolkit, the teens were invited to create their ideal policy.
We analyzed all the ideas from the workshop and the 3 "ideal prototypes" and then completely restructured King's privacy policy to resolve as many pain points as possible. We completely redesigned the privacy policy in plain language with the cognitive limitations of teens in mind, and had our draft audited by a plain language expert, Frances Gordon, who made further changes and tone of voice suggestions.
Our research with CNIL had shown that children and teens respond very well to the design of legal information that mirrors their experience on the rest of the interface - while they strongly reject any design they deem too childish. So our UX designers leveraged King's incredible in-game assets to create a unique privacy experience that echoes the user experience in King's games themselves.
A much more visual document, accompanied by diagrams and timelines, that recaptures the best image of the trust contract and marketplace. Thanks to a graphic design based on neuroscience and clear legal language, it brings empathy to easily solve problems but also reassures that there are no "traps" or hidden information.
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