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Fair Patterns Library
The Fair Patterns library of fair and dark patterns.

Neutral or protective default
Default settings are neutral or protective instead of being against the interests of the user.

Adequate information
Provide enough information to support user goals without misleading through selective disclosure.

Seamless path
Design should address user needs instead of complex journeys that can obstruct user goals.
I think I'm in love with our new privacy policy. Massive thanks to the fantastic Marie Potel-Saville and team.
Teodora Pimpireva Tapping
Global Head of Privacy

Thanks a lot to you all. Truly fascinating! It was eye opening and triggered a dynamic of change.
Lorie Peron
Head of Design Ops

Thanks a lot for your brilliant contribution. The depth of knowledge and efforts are really impressive!
Ted Chu
Managing Partner in Greater China, Bird & Bird
The iPhone of legal documents.
Nina Moise
General Counsel, Shiseido EMEA
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7 Rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris